List of current rates for the linked deposits programs tracked by the State Treasurer
Program Type Date Market Rate * CD/Loan Rate * Maximum Loan Rate **
Agricultural Production Loans 7/26/2024 4.81% 2.81% 6.81%
City Utility Low Interest Loan Program 7/26/2024 4.81% 2.81% N/A
Economic Recovery Loans 7/26/2024 4.81% 2.81% 5.81%
Extraordinary Utility Cost Loans 7/26/2024 4.81% 2.81% 5.81%
Housing Loans 7/26/2024 4.81% 2.81% 6.81%
* These rates are determined per K.S.A. 75-4237
** This rate is determined per K.S.A. 75-4272


List of current amounts available for the linked deposits programs tracked by the State Treasurer
Program Type Date Funds Available Loan Requests Pending
Agricultural Production Loans 7/27/2024 $40,159,307.44 0 $0.00
City Utility Low Interest Loan Program 7/27/2024 $0.00 *** 0 $0.00
Economic Recovery Loans 7/27/2024 $53,525,543.75 0 $0.00
Extraordinary Utility Cost Loans 7/27/2024 $21,836,554.00 0 $0.00
Housing Loans 7/27/2024 $60,000,000.00 0 $0.00
*** The City Utility Low Interest Loan Program is no longer accepting loan requests.